So! Yes, it's been quite a while since I last posted. John's wonderful grandmother, Maw-joe, passed away a week ago today and it has been a heck of a ride the last few weeks. We went to Radford, VA the Friday prior to visit because we had been told that "it won't be long", etc for quite some time. But, as was her nature, she fought her way through the entire weekend! John and I came back Sunday night because I had an exam Monday morning, then returned to Radford right after my exam (a 3.5 hour drive). About one hour after we arrived, she passed away very peacefully and when she decided she wanted to. After that, it was a whirl-wind of a week, viewing Tuesday, funeral Wednesday, Thanksgiving Thursday, back that night and back to work all weekend for me. All well worth the craziness, because I know I was right were I needed to be, supporting John's family and doing everything I could to help them. Maw-joe did say on Friday, when she was last responsive to John and I, "Love ya" just as she always had when we visited her, and I know he and I will cherish that forever.
So back to reality for this chica! And, ONLY 2 WEEKS LEFT OF CLASS!!!! Thank God! The end is truly in sight, and man it looks good! Some how, after studying MAYBE 2 hours for my exam last Monday, I managed a 98 on it, better than I have done in forever. I think that Maw-joe was sitting right next to me taking it for me because I can't remember one question on that test.
10 mile race in Virginia Beach is this Saturday! The Surf n Santa 10 miler! Even though most of the girls I had planned on running with have decided not to run, I still have a couple to buddy up with :) And the schwag for this race is awesomeeee! Probably not a great idea for me to have taken a week off from running while I was out of town this past week, but I ran a little over 6 miles with dad yesterday and felt pretty good after. My knees definitely started aching about mile 5, but I think the 10 miler Saturday will be fun and not too hilly. We shall see how it goes!
Off to do some NCLEX reviewing, especially since I am planning on taking it in a month!