Monday, March 28, 2011

so close I can taste it.

Wowzers, 40 days! I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that if some little things don't get done, it's not the end of the world and the wedding will STILL be amazing :) We finished the ceremony music selection and the DJ list yesterday and those are mailed off, along with the details sheet for the photographer so they know what shots we want and where. I'm trying really hard not to freak out and over diet the next month, but it is so hard to do! My final dress fitting is Friday, along with the Monument Ave 10K Saturday. At least work prevents me from over doing the running and exercising because I simply can't run on days I work a 12 hour shifts.

So I have made a list of races that I want to do this year, and hopefully will do all of them (depending on what weekends I am working... we are required to work once every 3)

Monument Ave 10k 4/2
Ashland 10k 4/30
Carytown 10k 5/15
Patrick Henry 1/2 marathon 8/27 OR Rock & Roll 1/2 marathon 9/4
Capitol 10 miler 10/1
Wicked 10k 10/29
Richmond 1/2 marathon 11/12
Turkey Trot 10k 11/24

I really wish there were more in June/July, but I haven't found any yet I like.... suggestions??

Off to prep dinner in the crockpot... These cold days always make me crave crockpot yummy dinners! More later on what I choose :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Beau was begging for Lilo's bone, knowing that he had already finished his, so he just stared at it... he's so adorable I can't help but take hundreds of pictures of him...

With only 45 days to go, needless to say I haven't put aside much time to update the 'ole blog! Wish I could say that all checks were signed, but there's going to definitely be a push over the next few weeks to finish paying for everything. Time to live thrifty! Oh wait, that hasn't stopped since nursing school ;)

Speaking of which, I am LOVING my job. I love my patients, crazy or not, and feel like a sponge at work, learning more and more every day. My preceptor and I have been working very well together and she gives me the space that I need and is right there when I need her which fits for me perfectly. It has been an adjustment from working for a state hospital to a catholic hospital, but I feel it is the change that I needed and will love in the long run.

And running! I slacked off for a little while, but I am improving over the last few weeks :) I have logged 16 miles so far this week with my 5 miles Saturday, 6 Sunday, and 5 more today. Feels so good to be back in the groove since the weather is finally improved! It was in the 70s today, but is getting colder this weekend, unfortunately since we have plans for the Irish Festival this weekend. Guess we will just have to bundle up Saturday!

Is it crazy that I am already thinking about going back to school? I am playing with the idea of starting my bachelors degree in nursing next January, but after telling this to someone, they questioned me "why don't you just do the RN to MSN track?!". Hmm. Much to think about. If I do my BSN, I can remain with the same nursing school that I was originally with in which I know the teachers and feel comfortable. If I do MSN, I have to go elsewhere. Comfortable or new?? Always something that I have had a hard time determining....

We had an awesome time visiting friends in northern VA last weekend :) felt so good to just let our hair down and be "goofy" again together :)
Oh, and my poor cat Twix had to have major mouth surgery. The poor thing had gingivitis and ended up getting so badly inflamed that she had to have 9 teeth pulled. 9 FREAKIN TEETH! My poor little toothless twix! She has, however, become a whole new cat since they were removed. She is crazy as can be and finally has tolerable breath :)

Well, back to my movie :) I am so loving the freedom of no school and just relaxing with my babe every night... Maybe school can wait a little longer :)
ps, John is about 2 months free of cigarets! I am SOOOO proud of him :)

My babies at the back door loving spring :)